Programs Terms & Conditions

Global Sisters Member Disclaimer

Global Sisters works to provide women with tools, networks and resources (materials) that may assist in establishing or growing a business.  This disclaimer applies to the use of the Global Sisters website, resource library, community groups, learning management system and other material available on or through the Global Sisters website (Resources), the ‘Global Sisters Community’ Facebook group (Facebook Group) and all communication between you and Global Sisters or its volunteer coaches.

No Advice or Professional-Client Relationship

Global Sisters does not offer legal, financial or other advice.  Nothing on or in the Resources or Facebook Group constitutes legal, financial or other advice by Global Sisters.  Your use of or participation in the Resources and Facebook Group, including implementation of any suggestions or use of any materials on or in the Resources or Facebook Group, does not create a professional-client relationship between you and Global Sisters or its employees, agents, contractors or volunteer coaches. 

Volunteer Coaches 

Global Sisters connects you with volunteer coaches with varying degrees of expertise.  It is your responsibility to decide on the validity, reliability or usefulness of (and whether and how you might wish to use) their views or input.  The views or input expressed by volunteer coaches are those of the individual coach.  Global Sisters does not endorse, and is not accountable for, the views or input expressed or information provided by volunteer coaches.

Exclusion of Liability 

The materials available on or in the Resources and Facebook Group are supplied to you on a strictly ‘as is’ basis.  Global Sisters does not guarantee and makes no assurances  for the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any materials available through the Resources or Facebook Group.  To the maximum extent permitted by law: 

  1. Global Sisters accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from, or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any materials available through the Resources or Facebook Group, including the manner in which the materials available through the Resources or Facebook Group are interpreted, applied or used, or the results of such use or implementation.  
  2. Global Sisters excludes all representations, warranties, guarantees, conditions, rights, remedies, liabilities and other terms express and implied, that may be conferred or implied by statute or general law, except any guarantee or right conferred under any legislation (including the Australian Consumer law), the exclusion of which would contravene legislation or cause part or all of this disclaimer to be void. 

Independent Professional Advice

You must exercise your own skill and care with respect to your use of materials available through the Resources or Facebook Group and you are responsible for carefully evaluating the appropriateness, accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance of the material available through the Resources and Facebook Group for your particular purposes and having regard to your specific needs.  The materials available through the Resources or Facebook Group are not a substitute for independent professional advice and you should obtain appropriate independent professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances before making any decisions or taking any action based on materials available through the Resources or Facebook Group (including material sourced from organisations other than Global Sisters) or any links to external websites and resources. 

Third Party Material 

Global Sisters makes materials available through the Resources and Facebook Group which may include material sourced from organisations other than Global Sisters, and links to external websites and resources.  The inclusion of these materials does not constitute an endorsement, approval or a recommendation by Global Sisters of these materials.  The materials made available through the Resources and the Facebook Group may include the views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Global Sisters.  In no circumstances does Global Sisters make representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of any information contained in these materials, and you are responsible for carefully evaluating the appropriateness, accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance of these for your particular purposes and having regard to your specific needs.  Where practicable and appropriate, Global Sisters will indicate non-Global Sisters sourced material.

Privacy Disclaimer

​By participating in the Global Sister’s community and accessing materials, Resources and the Facebook Group you agree and consent to Global Sisters:

  1. taking and holding photographs, recording quotes, and making audio and audio-visual recordings of you (Recordings);
  2. using, reproducing, broadcasting, communicating to the public, publishing, modifying and adapting the Recordings in Global Sisters’ media and marketing materials (Materials); and
  3. collecting, using and disclosing your name, likeness, image, personality, voice and biography in connection with any part of the Recordings and Materials (or modification or adaptation of the Recordings or Materials),

in any medium, in any place, at any time and for any purpose in connection with Global Sisters’ activities.

Global Sisters does not intend to publish, outside of the Global Sister’s community, any Recordings or Materials that materially feature you without your explicit consent. Where Global Sisters intends to publish, outside of the Global Sister’s community, any Recordings or Materials that materially feature you it will endeavour to obtain your explicit consent for that publication.

Please refer to the Global Sisters Privacy Policy for more information about how Global Sisters collects, uses and discloses personal information.

The Global Sisters website and materials may contain links to other websites and online resources that are owned by third parties.  These links are provided for your information only, and Global Sisters is not responsible for the privacy practices of third party websites.  When you visit other websites and use third party online resources, you should refer to the privacy policies of those third parties to find out how your personal information may be handled.  The Global Sisters Privacy Policy only applies to personal information collected by Global Sisters and the Global Sisters website.