Build your business journey with our 90 day plan template

When planning and prioritising in your business, it helps to break goals down into manageable chunks of time, like quarterly or 90 days. The Global Sisters 90 Day Planning template offers easy-to-answer prompts that will help you get clear on what you want to achieve when it comes to 30, 60 and 90 day goals within your business. 

By simplifying your reflection and goal-setting process using our 90 Day Planning template, you can easily identify past achievements and set goals for the next 90 days. This clear roadmap makes taking action more effortless and free from overwhelm. As you clarify your business goals, watch how fast your business and success grow. 

Download the 90 Day Planning template and get started today.

What is the 90 day planning template?

At Global Sisters, we have seen that the clearer you are on your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them, and it all starts with effective goal setting. Our user-friendly 90 Day Planning template prompts thoughtful reflection on your business ambitions.

It starts by assessing the previous quarter – what worked and what didn’t. Then, set financial and non-financial goals with a 30, 60 and 90 day plan. Building a sustainable business involves more than just making money. It requires you to nurture other aspects like marketing and community involvement.

How to use the 90 day planning template

If you’re looking to set business goals, first look at what you’ve achieved to see how you can expand on that in the future. We believe reflection is a force multiplier. By taking the time to reflect, you’re more likely to move forward more rapidly and effectively. As women, we often forget to celebrate our wins, so our 90 day template starts by asking questions that help you reflect and celebrate the past with these questions:

  • What was your biggest win?
  • What was your biggest hurdle? 
  • What will you keep doing?
  • What will you stop doing?

Once you’ve reflected on your past, you can adequately plan for the future and look at the next 90 days. We’ve further broken down the goal-setting template by splitting the goals into 30, 60 and 90-day plans with space for financial and non-financial goals. We step through three parts to setting goals for your business:

  • Financial target – What sales or revenue goals do you want to hit?
  • Non-financial goal – What else could you do to help build your business? 
  • Priority actions or promotions – What actions must you take and prioritise to achieve these goals and build your business?

Then, there is room to note down what you need to help you achieve these business goals. This could be outsourcing social media or just support from a community like Global Sisters.

You can work through the 90 day planning template and plan your next quarter’s goals and tasks on your own or watch the helpful video tutorial (see video above) that guides you through completing the 90 day plan template. You can also participate in the Global Sisters 90 Day Planning workshop, where you get together with your fellow Sisters and a facilitator to dive into your quarterly planning and be inspired by each other. Just check under workshops and events for the next session.

The best part of this 90 Day Planning template is that your goals are clearly identified and ready for you to take action. Build a business that supports what you want to achieve by keeping your business goals front and centre, and remember to celebrate each small thing you achieve in your business.

Now that you have your 90 day plan, you can work on building your business further by building your knowledge. Check out the expert tips and business knowledge we offer in our Sister Portal or if you’d prefer a more hands-on approach, you can join our free Global Sisters Business programs.

Disclaimer: The tools, templates, and checklists in our resource library are guides, not substitutes for professional advice. Global Sisters recommends seeking financial advice before business decisions. External documents may be referenced for additional information; verify details from those sources for comprehensive insights.

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